Greetings Unity family. We thank you for your generosity and support of the Unity Center for Spiritual Growth.
We want to provide you with ample ways to give & support both the vision and mission of Unity CSG.
We Have Many Options
Give cash or check during the offering at Sunday Service.
Give cash or check via the giving envelopes and collection boxes located in the back of the Sanctuary and the Fellowship room.
Through automated ACH giving from your bank to Unity’s bank. This option can be completed once a month, biweekly, or monthly.
Another option that is available to all members with traditional IRAs is that must take “required minimum distributions” (distributions beginning at age 70 ½). These members can make qualified charitable distributions directly from their IRA to Unity. These distributions–often referred to as QCDs–also provide a tax benefit to Church members, even if they don’t itemize their tax returns. A QCD is a direct transfer of your IRA funds to the Church, and all amounts transferred as a QCD do not count as taxable income. In other words, members can select that their required minimum distributions (or a portion of those distributions) be paid directly to the Church as a QCD. This contribution will lower the member’s taxable income, resulting in a lower tax bill, which also satisfies the minimum distribution requirements. For members who file an itemized tax return, a QCD is also a deductible charitable contribution. If you are interested in alternative giving strategies and are over the age of 70 ½, you should talk to your financial advisors about whether a QCD strategy is right for you.
Give through PayPal. You can find a donate button on our website to utilize this giving method.
If you are interested in pursuing a new way of giving, please contact our Business Manager AJ Zahrt.
Help Our Ministry With Your Time & Talent
E-Give – automatically send offering from bank or credit card.
Give during service.
Donate food or beverages to kitchen for Fellowship.
Organize, manage or join teams for Yard Sale, Jewelry Sale or other fundraisers.
Assist Business Manager in office duties or donate office supplies.
Join the cleanup/landscape teams once or twice a year or donate garden supplies.
Offer any experience in audio visual, music, painting, carpentry, plumbing or electrical.
Seek out and organize participation in community events.
Join Kitchen Angels on a team or as a sub.
Attend Board Meetings with suggestions or become a member.
Offer to drive members without transportation.
Join Our Care & Compassion Team
Recognize the needs of Unity members and the community.
Reach out to those struggling with tough times.
Provide spiritual/emotional support.
Call and reach out to members and/or past visitors.
Send cards.
Visit those who are dealing with physical concerns.
Continue to assess and define Unity’s needs for care and compassion.
Provide service to the community.
You can also text a donation amount to: +1(616) 219-8330